Links and information to different sites and pages on recent events.
Websites and links are listed below to give different and often argument views on the world events and conflicts that have not been paid much into American newspapers.
All the focus on Iraq is drawing away attention from wars and conflicts that could have some help and concern been prevented. These resource page is for providing viewers a chance to see what foreign policy missed in the past decades.
News sites
Agence France Presses
The world's leading news industry on world reports and current events.
Iranian News
In Farsi, reading newspapers from Iran and the Persian world including news articles and news photos from daily events.
First suffering from an earthquake now suffering from train blast East of Tehran, here's full coverage of diasters happening in Iran.
Daily Star
The daily newspaper live from Lebanon features news in English.
Favorite Sites
Latest news from Bollywood as well as Lollywood! Could there finally be a friendship between Pakistan and India?
Powerful 6 Wordly View
The original website of powerful 6 featuring many pictures and news articles on today's events.
Centre for Palestinian rights
One of the best websites on human rights for Palestinians.
Metropole Haiti
Website dedicated to Haiti, in creole and French for those who understand the languages.
Haitian progress
Another website dedicated to Haiti, to help make progress a reality in the Carribean country.
Middle East Conflict
All the world's news stations and top journalists share the mideast conflict at Yahoo's website.
Kashmir Flashpoint
A must see! BBC goes indepth on another conflict that is almost similar to the Israel and Palestinian conflict, news focus Kashmir. One of the best indepth reporting on a region heavily divided and deeply rooted in conflict. Includes history of the conflict, the relationship between India and Pakistan and hits the very soul of this conflict, the people caught in the middle.
Haitian uprising
Complete and full coverage of the recent uprising in the small Carribean Republic of Haiti. Hopefully a diaster will be avoid. In a sphere of US influence its hard to believe that US is not paying much attention to Haiti as it has done in the past.